Laila Ponni rice comes from the state of Tamil Nadu in South India. Developed there, it has now become a favorite in other states of India as well. Ponni, meaning Gold is an apt name for the yellow-golden grains. The boiled rice is prepared by steaming the grain before it is husked. As a result, the grain absorbs many of the nutrients from the husk.
Thanjavur, also known as Tanjor is a city in Tamilnadu, which is known as a bowl of rice. It is grown in the Thanjavur region. It is a high-quality medium-sized grain that has high carbohydrate content. It is light and aromatic and is medium-grained variety. Once cooked, this rice gives a bright white colour and expands in length. Ponni boiled rice is boiled along with the paddy before polishing, making it easier to cook and digest.