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    Fresh Vegetables & Fruits

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    Fresh Alphonso Mangoes (Appx.5-6 Pcs)

    Fresh Alphonso Mangoes (Appx.5-6 Pcs)

    Alphonso mango is one of the most liked mangoes in the world. These mangoes have a nice delicate sweet flavour and are very juicy and tender in texture. Appx. 5 to 6 pieces in number.
    £15.99 £12.99
    Fresh Alphonso Mangoes (Appx. 9-12 Pcs)

    Fresh Alphonso Mangoes (Appx. 9-12 Pcs)

    Alphonso mango is one of the most liked mangoes in the world. These mangoes have a nice delicate sweet flavour and are very juicy and tender in texture. Appx. 9 to 12 Pieces in number.
    Fresh Kesar Mangoes ( Appx 5-6 Pcs)

    Fresh Kesar Mangoes ( Appx 5-6 Pcs)

    Kesar is also known as the Queen of mangoes. Kesar Mango is known for its exquisite taste, aroma and bright orange coloured pulp. The superb sweet taste and texture of the Kesar mango will make your taste buds dance in joy and happiness. Hurry up, buy the best quality fresh juicy Kesar mangoes right now from JustHaat. It may be approximate 5 to 6 small pcs in number.
    £15.99 £12.49
    Fresh Kesar Mangoes (Appx. 9 -12 Pcs)

    Fresh Kesar Mangoes (Appx. 9 -12 Pcs)

    Kesar is also known as the Queen of mangoes. Kesar Mango is known for its exquisite taste, aroma and bright orange coloured pulp. The superb sweet taste and texture of the Kesar mango will make your taste buds dance in joy and happiness. Order online fresh Kesar Mango from JustHaat right now! It may be approximate 9 pcs in number.
    Fresh Raw Mango (Green Mango)

    Fresh Raw Mango (Green Mango)

    Raw mangoes are firm in texture and are super tangy and sour in taste. They are an excellent source of Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C & Fibre. Raw mangoes are perfect for preparing varieties of pickles and can also be enjoyed simply with a dash of chilly powder and salt.
    Picture of Papaya Yellow Ripe

    Papaya Yellow Ripe

    Papaya is a tropical fruit mainly consumed for its orange, sweet and juicy pulp. The seeds of this fruit are used dried. It is eaten as fresh fruit, cooked or used for processing various products like ice creams, refreshments and jellies. It is low in calories and a highly digestive fruit.
    Fresh Small Onion Bunch (Bag) 500g

    Fresh Small Onion Bunch (Bag) 500g

    Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar. For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections.
    £5.99 £4.49
    Fresh Cauliflower Single

    Fresh Cauliflower Each Appx.1Kg

    Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head is eaten – the edible white flesh sometimes called "curd".
    Fresh Garlic Pack 500g

    Fresh Garlic Pack 500g

    Garlic Is Highly Nutritious But Has Very Few Calories . It is an herb that is grown around the world. It is related to onion, leeks, and chives. Garlic is used for many conditions related to the heart and blood system. It is a part of a huge number of recipes with tremendous health benefits.
    £4.99 £3.49
    Pomegranate Indian Each

    Pomegranate Indian Each

    Pomegranate is a wonderful fruit. It is known for its tiny red seeds that are eaten which are also called arils. Even though it is a fruit that a lot of people are fond of, not many of them are aware of its growth in India. In our country, it is grown in about seven hundred tons production wise. The pomegranate is grown in various regions all over India. If you’re interested in knowing how, where, and when this majestic fruit is cultivated, stay tuned further.
    Fresh Dutch Aubergine (Each) Appx.350g

    Fresh Dutch Aubergine (Each) Appx. 350g

    Eggplant is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae grown for its often purple edible fruit. Although eggplant is the common name in the United States, in British English, it is called aubergine, and in South Asia and South Africa, brinjal.
    £1.99 £1.25
    Fresh White Potato

    Fresh White Potato

    The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum. In many contexts, potato refers to the edible tuber, but it can also refer to the plant itself.
    Fresh Red Potato

    Fresh Red Potato

    Waxy potatoes (red-skinned and fingerling potatoes): These potatoes are great for soups and salads because they hold their shape so well during cooking.
    Fresh Saag (Mustard Leaves) Bunch

    Fresh Saag (Mustard Leaves) Bunch

    Mustard greens are an excellent source of many vitamins including vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin C and vitamin E. They are also an excellent source of the minerals copper, manganese, and calcium.
    £1.19 £0.99
    Fresh Cassava Whole

    Fresh Cassava Whole (Appx.500g)

    Manihot esculenta, commonly called cassava, manioc, yuca, macaxeira, mandioca, aipim and Brazilian arrowroot, is a woody shrub native to South America of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae.
    £2.99 £1.49
    Fresh Turiya, Turai (Ridge Gourd) 500g

    Fresh Turiya, Turai (Ridge Gourd) 500g

    It is a dark green, ridged, and tapering pretty vegetable. It has white pulp with white seeds embedded in spongy flesh. A ridge gourd also commonly known as Turai or Turiya is a well beloved in India. Its hard skin is peeled off and chopped and cooked as desired.
    £3.99 £3.79
    Fresh Guvar (Cluster beans)

    Fresh Guvar (Cluster beans)

    The Guar or cluster bean, with the botanical name Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as Gavar, Guwar, or Guvar bean.
    Fresh Spring Onion Bunch

    Fresh Spring Onion Each

    Spring onions belong to the onion family and in some countries, they are known as scallions, bunching or green onions.
    £1.19 £1.09
    Pomegranate (EU) Each

    Pomegranate (EU) Each

    Have you ever wondered, how a fruit can be a great dose of good health. Known as the fruit of paradise, pomegranate is filled with numerous edible seeds called arils, which are loaded with umpteen health benefits. The crystal fruit inside the ruby coloured outer covering along with arils are rich in antioxidants and anti-viral properties. Doctors recommend eating one pomegranate each day to improve immunity and strength of the body. One of the main properties of this powerful fruit is that it is known to increase your blood circulation and thus, is one of the proven remedies for anemia.
    Fresh Parval (Pointed gourd) 400g

    Fresh Parval (Pointed gourd) 400g

    Pointed gourd is a well-known vegetable in the Indian sub-continent and is commonly known as parval. All the members of the gourd family provide many health benefits and they are especially good in the treatment of urinary problems and diabetes.
    £4.49 £3.99

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