If you have been to India recently you may have tried a Bombay Sandwich - a plain sandwich or naan filled with cooling fresh salad and thickly spread with Bombay Sandwich Spread. Neither a chutney or a pickle this is a spread made entirely of fresh coriander and mint leaves spiked with green chilies and a hint of coconut. Fresh and modern this is the pulsating taste of Bollywood!
The fresh tender green leaves of the fenugreek plant, called Methi have a bitter-sweet flavour and are widely consumed as a regular green vegetable in Indian cooking. Shana Methi is chopped and may be used immediately from frozen, making them a tidy and convenient way of enjoying the vegetable at its best.
Indian Jadi Booti provides genuine herbs in their original forms. Everything Natural - The way our mother nature intended our foods should be. No Trans-fats, Non-GMO, No cooking oils, No Chemicals or Preservatives or Colors or Flavors, Nothing Artificial Added.
One of the most commonly used Indian spices.These are normally sauteed in hot oil, and impart a delicious mild nutty flavour to most Indian vegetable dishes.
Available in 100g bag.